The Best Responses to Unsolicited DMs

The Best Responses to Unsolicited DMs

We've all been there...

You're scrolling through instagram, rapid-fire hearting posts from your favorite brands and commenting on your friends pics to tell them that they're goddesses and you'll marry them if their boyfriend doesn't come through, and then BAM! Some creeper slides into your DM's calling you his "slave" and demanding nudes and feet pics. Or worse. An insta-censored photo of his uncoocked vienna sausage is waiting for you to uncover and mock with your friends.

So, what do you do?

Well, the easiest option is to report and block. That would definitely be taking the high road. And while we're all for taking the high road, some days, you just need to rip into someone who's decided you'll be their long distance free porn provider without your consent. And that's why we've created a handful of memes for your creepy DM rebuttals. Gather your friends, prepare to screen shot, and fire away.

These memes are made to be stolen, so take them and share them to your spiteful heart's content.

Of course, we can't claim these are hours of fun without evidence, so here's a few screen shots of our own for your enjoyment. Unfortunately, being a business account doesn't stop these creepers from flexing in the DMs one bit.

Don't forget to tag us!

Did you use one of these babies on some poor, unsuspecting knob who was expecting free titties? Share a screen shot and tag us, we wanna see! @restrainedgrace on instagram and @restraindgrace on Twitter.

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