Press Information
Our story
Restrained Grace was founded in 2016. Browsing Etsy, Miss Annie couldn't find BDSM pieces that she would personally love to wear. She couldn't find high quality, elegant, feminine pieces in leather or otherwise.
After years of hemming and hawing over whether there was a market for this, she finally took the plunge and launched a tiny Etsy shop, with some collar tags, some pearls, and a couple of leather collars.
It may go without saying that Miss Annie's design sensibilities were well-received, but after a bit of a learning curve, she and Miss Tara leaned in and began to grow RG into what you see today.
They haven't stopped there; their customer base quickly grew into a community, with a private Facebook group created solely with the purpose of allowing people the opportunity to ask questions, share, learn, and grow together, free of shame or fear. Miss Annie & Miss Tara quickly realized that while there are a lot of places to learn about BDSM and kink, there may never be enough.
It's with that knowledge that they are setting out to normalize kink and power exchange and provide safe spaces in person and online for people to grow and learn together.

Our Brand
Our Team
Miss Annie
Annie brings 13 years of jewelry making experience and 11 years of small business experience to our tiny team of two. She's been actively involved in the San Diego kink community for 4 years, with 4 years of reading and research into kink, sexuality, and BDSM before that. Miss Annie has goals of making sexual exploration, BDSM and kink accessible to players of all levels, normalizing kink, and someday becoming a sex educator.
Miss Tara
The bread to Miss Annie's butter, Miss Tara has a passion for cooking, baking, music, animals, and her amazing partner. She possesses many hidden talents, and is incredibly good at just about anything she tries. She loves to travel, and Central America is one of her favorite destinations. She's a big ole nerd, too, with Disney and Harry Potter topping her list. She's been making jewelry for nearly 10 years, and crafting with her mom since she was a wee little thing.
Restrained Grace in the Press

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