

Our Definition

a practice wherein one or more partner(s) shows reverence and devotion to their partner(s) through incorporating various ritualistic practices into their scenes or general interactions. Can overlap with Sacred Kink and is associated with but does not always include Praise and Body Worship.

Common Practices

Everyone is different! You'll see this repeated throughout our website and glossary. Common worship kink practices include, but certainly aren't limited to
  • Ritual Behavior
  • Use of specific words to begin and/or end scenes
  • Use of Honorifics
  • Loving possessive language.
  • Language which focuses on being religiously devoted to the other person.

Val rubs his wife’s feet every night after dinner. She walks large distances every day for work, and her nightly foot-rubs are one of her favorite parts of the day.

Rhianna and her partner say “amen” at the end of their scenes.

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